Monday, March 28, 2011

Full of Love

So I know it has been a while since I posted, but I never seem to make the time to write.  I am really bad about letting my personal outlets fall to the wayside and putting housework, etc. first!  Well, not today!

Do you ever have moments in your life where you feel like God is speaking to you and you are just filled with love and thankfulness in your heart?  Well, I have been blessed with a few of these moments lately and wanted to share one of them

My son, Stephen, has recently started taking the bus to and from school which has reduced my stress level tremendously as I was formerly spending 3-3 1/2 hours on the road driving him.  Now, I am able to be at home more and spend more time on other things such as spending time with God and Carly and attending to many other projects I "never have time" to do!  I do miss Stephen, but he is only away from us about 30 more minutes per day riding the bus than before and my stress level is so much better!  I am able to have a little snack waiting for him when he gets home and I feel like the time I have with him is better because I am not exhausted from driving so much.  It has been wonderful!

Lately, I feel like God has been showing me how to love my kids more and really take the time to invest into their little lives.  They are so important, these little ones.  God has been dealing with me on teaching Stephen Bible stories and other little life lessons that he will not "learn" in preschool.  It is Hubby's and my job to really teach our kids the important stuff of life.

And with Carly-belle, to teach her to crawl and use her fingers to eat finger foods and to clap!  I am so in love with my family and so very grateful God allows me to be able to stay at home and be with them.

I look at my family and think what an awesome responsibility God gives us as parents to entrust us with little lives.  They are so malleable and moldable, if we will only just take the time to nourish them and feed their little brains and hearts.

I was asking God this morning to give me true empathy for my family.  To have a heart like His and to love them as He loves them.  Carly is cutting her first two bottom teeth and has been really fussy this entire weekend.  To be quite honest, my nerves are shot from it.  I love her and I am sure this must hurt a lot, but mommy gets a little tired of being yelled at on her every waking hour.

I was feeling a little guilty about feeling this way this morning, and that's when I asked God for the empathy.  It is my job to make her feel loved and secure and taken care of when she is hurting, not annoyed and bothered by her.  She can't help it.

And for Stephen.  We have been  in all weekend due to funky weather and him and Carly having colds. So, his many questions about much randomness and constant dragging out of many toys left me feeling exhausted by last night.  But, as I was praying this morning, again, I felt, he's just a little boy who wants attention and is curious about everything!

As I watched Stephen's bus take off this morning, I felt like God was dumping love into my heart so I can fill up my hubby's and kids' love tanks.

Lately I have been reading a couple of books about really making your family and home operate in such a way that reflects who you are as a family and what you stand for.  I want our house to be a house of love, welcoming and accepting.  I don't want to just say it like it's a cliche.  I want to act on it.  I want every member of our family to know and feel loved by everyone in the family.  When people enter our home, I want love to be felt.  God's love.

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